Friday, August 29, 2008


Smoking is bad for your health.

Many people who smoke are aware that smoking causes cancer, emphysema, heart disease and that it shortens one's life by ten years or more. Besides that, the habit can cost a smoker thousands of dollars a year. This may make you wonder: Why do people still continue to smoke?

So on and so forth. If you really want me to do a "Tak Nak" post, let me know. But otherwise, I'm sure you've heard more than enough about the hazards of smoking.

(That introduction was from my oral last term, by the way.)

I want to post on smoke, but not on the hazards of smoking. I want to post on the art of smoking.

Quite WTH, right? Not really.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present you: The Art Of Smoking. (As seen on Blogger play. Pictures taken from Life Is Beautiful, the blog.)

Look, I'd love to stick around to elaborate, as Mdm Shirley would ask me to do on my compo's, or add captions, as Mdm Santha would request for in my Sejarah project lampirans, but something has come up.

May I be excused?

Jun Shern Out.


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