Seriously, this has been the most weird trip into the internet I have ever taken!
Look at some of these So-Called-"Fish"!
Here are some fish you have never seen and probrably never will:
Robot Fish
This one is a robo-carp you can observe at the London Aquarium. It’s a self-guided robot-fish who use artificial intelligence and sensors to avoid obstacles . It’s a 50cm long common carp, swimming with thei living counterparts.
This one is in the same family than the tiger salamander. The only place on earth you can find those one are at Lake Xochimilco in Mexico. (This thing looks like a damn Pokemon!)
Dumbo Octopus
The deep-sea “Dumbo” octopus got its nickname from the ear-like fins protruding from the top of their “heads” (actually bodies), resembling the ears of Walt Disney ’s flying elephant . They are benthic creatures, living at extreme depths, and are some of the rarest of the Octopoda species. ( What!? )
Humpback Anglerfish
This black seadevil, of the size of a tennis ball, is one of the weirdest fish in the world . Female humpback anglers have an enormous head dominated by a cavernous mouth full of long slender teeth that can fold backwards when prey is being swallowed. ( Nothing but a HEAD!? )
Longhorn Cowfish
The longhorn cowfish are found in the Indo-Pacific region. Their flesh is poisonous and would not make for a very good meal ! ( Looks like a ship from Starcraft )
The longest lumpfish so far recorded from the American coast measured 23 inches, and weighed 13¼ pounds; the heaviest weighed 20 pounds but measured only 21½ inches (both from Orient, N. Y.), and the proportion of weight to length varies similarly in smaller fish. ( Alien VS Predator!)
Fangtooth Fish
The Fangtooth fish is found in midwater depths of about five kilometers (three miles). They are extremely muscular and their teeth are so long that when the jaw is shut, the lower pair must slide into special sheathes on either side of the fish’s brain to avoid impaling it. ( Big And Ugly )
I think y'all would all be very interested in these fish by now, and if you want to see more, go to
this site. Though I
have already sucked most of the stuff clean. The fish get less and less spectacular as it goes down, but it's still worth a visit.